[Live-devel] How to get RTP packets

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Apr 18 00:50:37 PDT 2008

>Thanks for the info. I know doGetNextFrame1() will give the rtp 
>frames. But instead of rtp frames i need rtp packets.
>The following function will do get rtp packets.
>* static void networkReadHandler(MultiFramedRTPSource* source, int /*mask*/);
>* friend void networkReadHandler(MultiFramedRTPSource*, int);
>both are declared under private section. How can i use that friend 
>function in the playCommon.cpp(openRTSP test program)
>file to get those rtp packets?

You can't.  You would need to modify the existing source code in some 
other way - e.g., modify "networkReadHandler()" to do whatever you 
want to do with the incoming RTP packets.

Another possible approach would be to change the client to receive 
raw UDP packets (which will therefore contain all the RTP header(s)), 
rather than having the client knowingly receive RTP packets.  The 
simplest way to do this would be to change the line
	if (strcmp(fProtocolName, "UDP") == 0) {
on line 656 of "MediaSession.cpp" to
	if (True) {

If you do this, your output file should contain the complete UDP 
packet data, including the RTP headers.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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