[Live-devel] streaming data not contained in a file

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Feb 5 07:53:08 PST 2008

>  >I need to transmit data
>What kind of data is this? 
>Well, for now it's not a media file like live555 stream usually, but 
>a collection of media files (images, informations about those 
>images, etc.) I receive in a buffer, with packet headers to delimit 
>I understand live555 is used to stream audio or video files. But I 
>have to stream JPEG too.

Well, if your data is JPEG, see 
<http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/faq.html#jpeg-streaming>.  But if 
it's not JPEG, then you;'ll have to do something else.

It's important to understand that RTP is not a protocol for streaming 
arbitrary, untyped data.  It's a protocol for streaming specific 
types of media, and you have to know in advance what type of media 
you're streaming (because the details of the protocol vary depending 
on the particular media type).

If you want to just stream arbitary, untyped data, then just use 
something like HTTP.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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