[Live-devel] MP4 streaming implementation in LIVE555 codebase

Mallikharjuna Reddy ymreddy at ssdi.sharp.co.in
Wed Feb 13 06:17:57 PST 2008

Hi Ross,


We are planning to implement MP4 streaming in server side in LIVE555
code base with the help of libmp4 library. We have the following


1.       We are planning to create a separate class called
MP4VideoStreamParser which is derived from MPEGVideoStreamParser. This
class (MP4VideoStreamParser) contains methods to parse the MP4 file and
return individual frames and set fTo and fStart variables.

2.       After individual frame is read from MP4 file from above step,
the respective MPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer or MPEG4VideoStreamFramer
classes are called to construct the RTP packet from the buffer and send
the packet to the client. We assume that MP4 file contains MPEG2 or
MPEG4 video data only. Here we have a clarification here. Do we need to
create a separate class called MP4VideoStreamFramer derived from
FramedSource, which does the job of constructing the RTP packet from the
buffer and send the packet to the client. Or We can use the existing
classes (MPEG1or2VideoStreamFramer or MPEG4VideoStreamFramer) to
construct and send the packets.


Please provide your inputs whether we are in the right direction or not.


Best Regards

Y. Mallikharjuna Reddy

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