[Live-devel] unicast streaming file size

Trotti Matteo matteo.trotti at elsagdatamat.com
Wed Feb 20 09:20:13 PST 2008

Hi all,


I am developing a server application which uses live555 in order to
stream via unicast mp4 ES video files.

Till now, my approach is very similar to TestOnDemandRTSPServer. 

I am facing some problems in server architecture implementation: I need
to perform file seeking and we know that live555 doesn't support this
kind of server-side operation yet (for m4e files).

I read FAQ about the proper way to support seeking: implement virtual
functions duration() and seekStreamSource() in ServerMediaSubsession. 

By the way, I was just wondering about doing something a little easier.

Looking at testMpeg4VideoStreamer (which is multicast streaming
solution), I noticed that I can ask for ByteStreamFileSource::fileSize
and with this information in my hands, it would be simple to insert a
seek function based on file dimension.

So my question is: can I use OnDemandRTSPserver approach and have access
to file size, being able to perform a seek operation on that file before
streaming (as I can do in testMpeg4VideoStreamer)? 

Any other ideas?


Thank you in advance

Matteo Trotti


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