[Live-devel] RTSP Client subclassing questions.

belloni at imavis.com belloni at imavis.com
Thu Jan 17 11:48:40 PST 2008

Hi, parallel to my RTSP server I'm developing a client to interface with
some ip-cams.
I read openRTSP source, and I modified it to my needs, and it works

However, I need some info: the camera I'm contacting does not send normal
video frames, but custom ones. I need to unpack every RTP packet (_in
order_), read the custom headers, reconstruct the frames and decode them
on the fly.

The question is: what method of what class should I subclass to have
access to every single packet in sequence order? I noticed RTPSource's
getNextFrame *afterGettingFunc parameter, should I replace getNextFrame
method and set afterGettingFunc to my "unpacker" function?

Notice I'd like to process every packet in arrival order (alternatively,
if it's not possible at all, i think i can look into the whole frame and
parse it to extract the packets).

Another quick question: instead of passing a starting UDP port to the
client, can I pass an already-open UDP socket? The cameras will send
packets to the same ports, if I let them decide, and if two or more
instances of the client run at once, it will bring chaos & destruction,
because they will try to bind to the same port.

Many thanks as usual,


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