[Live-devel] live555 Test Programs

Hannah havthanh at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 05:23:38 PDT 2008

Could I ask you this question?
I compiled the source code already and now testing the test programs. I try
the MP3 Audio test programs as first example.
+ For the testMP3Streamer, the output receiver is "Unable to open file
"test.mp3" as a MP3 file source"
+ For testMP3Receiver, output is "Beginning receiving multicast stream..."

The other test programs have the same output, I can't stream or play any
file. What's the problem and how to solve?

*Secondly*, I run the testOnDemandRTSPServer, and it returns me the URL
links of the audio/video test files, for example :

"mpeg4ESVideoTest" stream, from the file "test.m4e"
Play this stream using the URL "rtsp://"

"mpeg1or2AudioVideoTest" stream, from the file "test.mpg"
Play this stream using the URL "rtsp://"

Is it the URL link to use with openRTSP client, that I ask below?

*Thirdly*, I run the RTSP client, by the command : *./openRTSP,*  and I see
the usage instructions :

Usage : ./openRTSP [-p <startPortNum>] [-r|-q|-4|-i] [-a|-v] [-V] [-d
<duration>] [-D <max-inter-packet-gap-time> [-c] [-S <offset>] [-n] [-O]
[-t|-T <http-port>] [-u <username> <password>] [-s <initial-seek-time>] [-z
<scale>] [-w <width> -h <height>] [-f <frames-per-second>] [-y] [-H] [-Q
[<measurement-interval>]] [-F <filename-prefix>] [-b
<file-sink-buffer-size>] [-B <input-socket-buffer-size>] [-I
<input-interface-ip-address>] [-m] <url> *(or ./openRTSP -o [-V] <url>)

* I have tried to use the bold part, for instance *./openRTSP -o [-V]

*But I received nothing. The terminal screen return the usage instructions
Did I do wrongly? Or do I misunderstand any part?
Is there any solutions or how to solve the situation?

Thanks a lot for your help on this.
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