[Live-devel] Creating a RTSP stream from DVB-T hardware card

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Jul 11 17:28:53 PDT 2008

>I'm using an Elgato DVB-T USB tuner (EyeTV for DTT) in combination 
>with the livemedia library to stream a MPEG2-TS stream containing 
>h264 video and AAC audio (LATM encapsulation) via RTSP over my LAN. 
>I've based my streaming server on the testMPEG2TransportStreamer 

Does the unchanged "testMPEG3TransportStreamer" demo application work 
correctly when you stream a Transport Stream *file* that you 
previously recorded from your capture device?  It should, but if - 
for some reason - it doesn't, then do not proceed to step 2 :-)

>The EyeTV plugin SDK provides a callback which is activated when 
>~100 or so packets have arrived, and sends the raw TS data via a 
>pipe to the server code, running in another thread. I've modified 
>the code to read from the other end of the pipe I created. I've also 
>removed the MPEG2Framer from the chain as I presumed the packet 
>stream was already in this format.

No, the "MPEG2TransportStreamFramer" also has the job of (1) 
accumulates the incoming Transport Stream packets into groups of 7, 
so that they end up getting packed into outgoing RTP packets 
efficiently, and (2) computing the presentation time and duration of 
each Transport Packet, so that the outgoing RTP packets get 
transmitted with appropriate spacing between them.  You should 
continue to use the MPEG2TransportStreamFramer" object.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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