[Live-devel] Paths in RTSP requests

Cristiano Belloni belloni at imavis.com
Wed Mar 26 02:14:36 PDT 2008

Hi to all, I' d like to serve live RTSP streams with a complex pathname 
instead of a simple filename.

Let me clarify:

How I do now:

MPEG4 streams: rtsp://host/mpeg4stream[number]
H263 streams: rtsp://host/h263stream[number]

What I'd like to do:

MPEG4 streams: rtsp://host/video/MPEG4/stream[number]
H263 streams: rtsp://host/video/H263/stream[number]

Please note the filenames pathnames are "virtual", i.e. they don't 
exist. Every stream is associated to a live source read from a 
configuration file, and it has no correspondent in the file system 
(either in the first and in the second scenario).

Problem is, I can pass a complex pathname (with slashes) to 
ServerMediaSession::createNew, but when I try to make the corresponding 
RTSP request, server says "404 not found".
This doesn't happen with a simple (no slashes) filename (although the 
file does not exist in the filesystem).



Belloni Cristiano
Imavis Srl.
www.imavis.com <http://www.imavis.com>
belloni at imavis.com <mailto://belloni@imavis.com>

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