[Live-devel] bug in BasicTaskScheduler.cpp ?

Sigismondo Boschi s.boschi at totalwire.it
Wed Nov 12 00:22:44 PST 2008

Ross Finlayson wrote:

> I have no doubt that your problem is real.  However, your proposed 
> solution - messing with the "BasicTaskScheduler" code - appears to be 
> merely masking your real problem: That incorrect socket numbers are 
> getting passed to the call to "select()" in the event loop.
Ross, I have solved the problem, I have mastered it. I know that the
socket number is invalid, and it is invalid because of SingleStep
behavior with my callback performing a reconnection.

Now you have 2 options:

1. It is allowed to make a restart (close the sockets and reopen new
ones) in one single step - and then SingleStep is bugged - or
2. this option is neglected: it is mandatory to close the connection in
one event, so that SingleStep will not call any wrong handler, and then
reopen in a second one, event-driven by the first. In such a case
SingleStep works correctly - I have choosen this 2nd solution in order 
to avoid to modify BasicTaskScheduler, knowing the problem it was easy 
to find a workaround.

Since that's *your* library it's up to you to choose what. see below.

> You should make sure that 
> "TaskScheduler::turnOffBackgroundReadHandling()" gets called on each 
> socket once it's no longer being used (before its number gets reclaimed 
> for another socket).  There's apparently something about your custom 
> code that is causing that not to happen for some sockets.
I have logged all the TurnOn's, TurnOff's, and selects to find out this
problem. They all are called - but before the end of SingleStep - look,
this is my last attempt to explain it:

void BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(unsigned maxDelayTime) {
   fd_set readSet = fReadSet; // make a copy for this select() call
   // this is the origin of the problem: taking a local copy
   // fReadSet contains the 3 socket ids, referring to:
   // for example:
   // TCP -> 2000
   // UDP-RCP -> 2100
   // UDP-RTCP -> 2200

   // ... omissis ...

   int selectResult = select(fMaxNumSockets, &readSet, NULL, NULL,
   // after the select readSet.fd_count is 1
   // and readSet.fd_array[0] is 2000
   // referring always to the TCP socket in our scenario

   // ... omissis ...

   // my restart callback is called here, scheduled by a bye handler
   // all the 3 sockets defined before are correctly closed
   // and 3 new ones are opened.
   // They are registered in fReadSet / fReadHandlers
   // but we are here again:
   // the local variable readSet refers to the old selected socket ID.
   // so if handleAlarm change the connections, the following of
   // this routine is going to be based on outdated data.
   // This is not consistent: That's why I suggested to move this call to
   // the end.
   // When the socket ID in readSet is reused by the OS for an UDP
   // socket, the scheduler stop looping.
   // for example, it has happened that after the call:
   // TCP -> 2500
   // UDP-RCP -> 2000
   // UDP-RTCP -> 2600

   HandlerIterator iter(*fReadHandlers);
   HandlerDescriptor* handler;

   // ... omissis ...
   // (the trick with fLastHandledSocketNum does not interfere at all)

   // the 3 handlers being scanned are the NEW ones,
   // but one of them have colliding socket id (2000) with the old one.
   while ((handler = iter.next()) != NULL) {	
     if (FD_ISSET(handler->socketNum, &readSet) &&
        // TRUE for socket 2000, it is the only one in the old readSet
        // this is senseless because of the reconnetion
        // 2000 is not the tcp socket id anymore, it is a new udp socket
        // where no packets will arrive
        FD_ISSET(handler->socketNum, &fReadSet) &&
        // TRUE for socket 2000 on the fReadSet,
        // it is one of the 3 new ones
        handler->handlerProc != NULL) {
        // TRUE since it points to the newly set UDP handler

        // ... omissis ...
        // now call the UDP handler on the oldly selected socket 2000
        // but nothing incoming in UDP,
        // so it got stuck in the select inside it.
       (*handler->handlerProc)(handler->clientData, SOCKET_READABLE);

I can not be clearer than this.
If you are still on your position, that's not a problem - really - I 
just tried to give a contribution... but this now is going to be 

Thanks again for your great work with the live555.

Sigismondo Boschi, PhD                     TotalWire S.r.l.
s.boschi at totalwire.it                      http://www.totalwire.it
cell: +39 346 7911896                      tel:  +39 051 302696

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