[Live-devel] RTSP Response was truncated

Dario dmaljur at elma.hr
Mon Sep 8 07:09:05 PDT 2008


I sometimes receive folowing errors when closing session.

RTSP response was truncated
RTSP response was truncated
We received a response not ending with <CR><LF><CR><LF>
Failed to read response:
We received a response not ending with <CR><LF><CR><LF>
Failed to read response:
ERROR Closing session

Note that we are using custom made streaming server based on live555 code.

Receiving client ends the session in this way:
- User press "Stop" button.
- customRTSPClient executes Shutdown()

Shutdown code:

 Medium::close(aviOut);   // avitOut is AviFileSink object
 MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*session);
 MediaSubsession* subsession;
 while ((subsession = iter.next()) != NULL) 
         subsession->sink = NULL;

 pThisRTSPClient->teardownMediaSession(*session);  //pThisRTSPClient is RTSPClient object

AfterPlayingFunc() is empty. (It's difficult on to merge static functions with object code).

Why does this happens, and does it have any infuense on memory dealocation 
of the session?
Is this the right way to end session? Or this *must* be done in afterPlayingFunc()?


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