[Live-devel] Problems with compilation the project

Dan DuFeu dduFeu at MarchNetworks.com
Sun Aug 9 15:38:20 PDT 2009

Hi Georgy,


I currently compile under VS 2008 as well, but I use the supplied
makefiles (with minor changes to win32config) to do this.


I'm guessing you are missing the UsageEnvironment library as input to
the linker. Try adding UsageEnvironment project as a dependency of
BasicUsageEnvironment. This might fix the issue.


If not, I would suggest trying to add libUsageEnvironment.lib into the
"Additional Dependencies" section of your project properties (under
Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input). 






Ps. If you're interested in using the makefiles supplied, the only lines
require changing in win32config for me were:

TOOLS32              =             C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio 9.0\VC

LINK_OPTS_0 =                 $(linkdebug) msvcrt.lib


And one change to add -DNO_STRSTREAM to the groupsock code.


I run the following batch file to build:


@echo off

rem fix the groupsock makefile to not include strstream code

echo INCLUDES = -Iinclude -I../UsageEnvironment/include -DNO_STRSTREAM >

echo ##### Change the following for your environment: >>


Call genWindowsMakefiles.cmd

call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"

pushd liveMedia

del *.lib

del *.obj

nmake /B -f liveMedia.mak


pushd groupsock

del *.lib

del *.obj

nmake /B -f groupsock.mak


pushd UsageEnvironment

del *.lib

del *.obj

nmake /B -f UsageEnvironment.mak


pushd BasicUsageEnvironment

del *.lib

del *.obj

nmake /B -f BasicUsageEnvironment.mak


pushd testProgs

del *.lib

del *.obj

nmake /B -f testProgs.mak


pushd mediaServer

del *.lib

del *.obj

nmake /B -f mediaServer.mak



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