[Live-devel] Patch against release dated 1/26/2009

Matt Schuckmann matt at schuckmannacres.com
Thu Feb 5 16:06:49 PST 2009

Attached is a patch file for changes we've made to LIVE555 to support 
functionality we needed for our application.
The patch is a diff of the 1/26/2009 release and our changes.

I hope this patch isn't to big and all of the changes make sense and 
work with in your vision for the library.

If anything looks wrong or doesn't follow the direction you had intended 
for the library please let me know.

We intend to make more changes and would like to submit any improvements 
we make back to the project so let me know if there are any problems.

Thanks, for the great library and all the support.
Matt Schuckmann

A synopsis of the changes are listed below.

1. Modified BasicUsageEnvironment0::reportBackgroundError() to get the 
errorResultMsgBuffer contents via a call to getResultMsg() instead of 
accessing the private member directly so that it will work with derived 
class that doesn't use fResultMsgBuffer

2. Modified RTSPServer to use a virtual factory function, 
createNewClientSession(), to create RTSPClientSession objects (or 
derived children of that class) so that users that want to use a class 
derived from RTSPClientSession don't have to re-impliment all of the 
incomingConnectionHandler() code.

3. Added support recognizing SET_PARAMETER commands and passing the 
command body into the RTSPClientSession.

4. Added support to specify a range of ports that can be used for 
RTP/RTCP streams instead of just a starting port. Also added failure 
condition for when you run out of ports. Range is specified by a 
starting port and a count of following ports. The count can be set to -1 
to allow a open ended range.

5. Added an iterator class to iterate over ServerMediaSession objects.

6. Added accessors to OnDemandServerMediaSubsession to get the RTP port 
and RTCP port for a client session ID associated with a void* 
streamToken. This primarily so that the server application can list the 
ports in use with each session. We will probably be adding more of these 
types of accessors please tell me if we aren't following your vision got 
this type of access.

7. Changed MS Visual Studio Makefile.tail make files to name the pdb 
files uniquely for each library so that all the libraries and there pdb 
files can be copied to a common directory.
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