[Live-devel] Live chrashes when opening/closing series of RTSPClients

Dario dmaljur at elma.hr
Fri Feb 27 03:32:06 PST 2009

I have a lilst of RTSP Addresses from where we are streaming MPEG4 via FileSink.
I traverse each address and create RTSP client from where we stream content for about 2-5 
The creation and deletion of each client is done by functions in plaCommon.cpp wrapped inside a class.

At some point Live chrashes and debugger mostly points on FileSink::afterGettingFrame1{ ->continuePlaying() }
function. But that's not every time.
My guess is that some frames still in the buffer continue to come after session and subsessions starts to close,
but I'm not sure that's the case.

Did anyone had this problem?

I tried the clean playCommon.cpp and openRTSP.cpp functions and the problem persist.
I appreciate any help I could get since I've been stuck here fo a week.

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