[Live-devel] Closing the media does not free allocated memory?

Dario dmaljur at elma.hr
Fri Jul 24 01:03:37 PDT 2009

So, I can't free memory allocated by RTSPClient::createNew?I have a wrapper class around RTSPClient which I use in mannner ofCRTSPClient *client = new CRTSPClient(...).And I should not use "delete client;" but internally close open Media and then just reuse "*client" without deleting it?I'm just curious, why did live555 team decided to do it that way.Isn't it easier just to use standard new and delete for allocation? (not a factory)>To reclaim an object derived from the "Medium" class, call 
>"Medium::close()".  That is sufficient.

>In general, you should reclaim objects in the reverse order that they 
>were created.  So, to reclaim your "UsageEnvironment" and 
>"TashScheduler" objects, do the following (after reclaiming other 

>delete scheduler;

>(Yes, this is all really ugly and inconsistent.  Someday it might get 

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