[Live-devel] Trying to play mp3 file or live streaming to wmplayer client from default MediaServer code

Santosh Karankoti santosh.k at knoahsoft.com
Thu Jul 23 23:50:05 PDT 2009



I have downloaded and compiled the mak files for all the livemedia555
streaming open source code 


I am trying to play mp3 file by requesting the default Mediaserver code
using the Windows Media Player v10. In this scenario, the WMPlayer is
sending the Describe request to the Mediaserver server, to which the server
is responding back to the wmplayer with the sdp details in the Describe
success response. For some reason, it seems like the wmplayer is not
recongnizing the response.


The same when request url when I am providing it to the MediaServer using
OpenRTSP, VLCPlayer. The mp3 file is a song file of 3 minutes 43 seconds.
With both these clients, the whole RTSP message flow is finishing smoothly,
as follows:


VLCPlayer / OpenRTSP                         MediaServer

            |                                               |

            |                                               |

            |-->        OPTIONS-->       -->         |

            |<--        <--200OK           <--         |

            |-->        DESCRIBE-->    -->         |

            |<--        <--200OK+SDP  <--         |

            |-->        SETUP -->         -->         |

            |<--        <--200OK           <--         |

            |-->        PLAY    -->         -->         |

            |<--        <--200OK           <--         |


I am able to hear the song with the VLC Player but not with the OpenRTSP
client. I am not bothered about it because it says it is receiving the
started stream and I am able to see the rtp transmission in the Wireshark.


But the WMPlayer doest not recognize the LiveMedia DESCRIBE response at all
and retransmits the request


Windows Media Player               MediaServer

            |                                               |

            |                                               |

            |-->        DESCRIBE-->    -->         |

            |<--        <--200OK+SDP  <--         |

            |-->        DESCRIBE-->    -->         |

            |<--        <--200OK           <--         |


Finally after 30 seconds the timeout happens at wmplayer and says it is not


My concern is that the WMPlayer is not able to recognize the LiveMedia
server describe success response.

The message flow captured at the wmplayer is as follows:


Can anyone provide information on how I can make the Windows Media Player
understand the describe response of the default MediaServer of


Do I need to enable or disable any setting on the windows media player or do
I need to change the code of MediaServer? If so kindly try to provide the
steps if you know for the settings in the windows media player or kindly
provide the reason and the solution to change the default code to run with
the windows media player. I can take care of the coding, want to know which
files do I need to enhance if required to run with Windows Media Player.


Do I need to recompile the source code with any changes in the default
MediaServer makefile.






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