[Live-devel] multiple instance of live555 lib

yanrx yanrx at sina.com
Fri Jun 19 02:44:22 PDT 2009

I am developing a project using multiple instances of live555 lib to create 64 windows in one program.
Each instance has the receiver thread and decoder thread, and each receiver thread has its own event loop.
There are often errors in DoEventLoop(). I guess it's the conflict use of static variable and global variable between different theads.

But in FAQ, it states:
Another possible way to access the code from multiple threads is to have each thread use its own "UsageEnvironment" and "TaskScheduler" objects, and thus its own event loop. The objects created by each thread (i.e., using its own "UsageEnvironment") must not interact (except via global variables). 

What's mean by "Possible way"? How to solve my errors?
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