[Live-devel] H264 Headers in live stream

Sundar R sramani at celestialsys.com
Thu Jun 25 11:19:41 PDT 2009

Hi All,

I am trying to connect multiple clients to a live H264 stream from a file
source. I have set the resuseFirstSource flag to be true to enable all the
clients to render the same data. I could always connect the first client,
but the subsequent clients on VLC always give a warning message called
"Waiting for PPS/SPS unit"

I appended the original ES file to itself to increase the file size. And I
found that all the clients begin to render the stream when the first file
ends and the fie restarts. This leads me to a conclusion that there is some
header packaging missing in the H264 framer which does not allow random
clients to join a live H264 stream.

Can anyone please guide/help me to proceed ahead in this case?

Eagerly awaiting inputs from experts!


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