[Live-devel] QuickTime file generation errors

Shawn Van Every vanevery at walking-productions.com
Sat Mar 14 12:41:35 PDT 2009

Hi Folks,

I am attempting to narrow down an issue that I am having.

I am using openRTSP to record from Axis P3301 IP cameras (H.264/AAC  
via RTSP).  In general things are working out great.  Unfortunately  
about 1% of the files (5 to 6 minutes long) seem to have issues  
opening (in QuickTime or any other software (VLC, MPlayer and so  
on)).  Generally the error I get has something to do with a missing or  
corrupt atom.

Here is the command I am using:

openRTSP -q -f 30 -w 640 -h 480 -t -Q -b 200000 -y rtsp:// 
  > recording.mov 2>output.log & echo $!

The QoS reports seem fine.  Sometimes the packet loss is high but that  
doesn't seem to directly correspond to corrupt files.  (One thing that  
is strange to me is that that the packet loss is sometimes high even  
though since I am using the -t for TCP which I would expect to be more  
reliable although slower than UDP.  If I use the -l flag things get  
really strange and I seem to double or even triple the bitrate and get  
very strange looking video with flashes and so forth.)

I am stopping the recording by issuing a kill -1 PID.

I am glad to dig through the source and try to identify and correct  
the issue, I am just not sure where to begin.  Any thoughts would be  



ps.  Should I provide a sample file?

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