[Live-devel] MPEG-4 Streaming presentation rate

Michael Barkowski michael at abriskwok.net
Fri May 8 13:36:12 PDT 2009

Hello all,

I'm new to this forum, so please take a moment to let me know if I'm
not posing this question in the right way.

I compiled the Livemedia April 20, 2009 release.

I'm trying to use testOnDemandRTSPServer test program to stream MPEG-4
to an Mplayer client. The two machines are connected via a very fast
Gigabit Ethernet link.

It seems to be playing at about half the desired frame rate.  The
desired frame rate is 30 fps.  Mplayer is invoked with -fps 30 to no

If I stream to Mencoder, and play the saved file using Mplayer, it
plays at the right speed.

The file I am using as a source to testOnDemandRTSP Server was
captured by either openRTSP (using -4 to output to Quicktime
container) or Mencoder using straight copy (two cases with the same
symptom) from an Axis M1101 camera.

CPU utilization is low for all activities mentioned.

I have tried changing the default frame rate in playCommon.cpp which
is used by openRTSP.
-unsigned movieFPS = 15; // default
+unsigned movieFPS = 30; // default

This has no effect.

Any ideas?  What is testOnDemandRTSP Server missing?  Just the frame rate?

Michael Barkowski

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