[Live-devel] GET_PARAMETERS used as a ping request and VLC

Cristiano Belloni belloni at imavis.com
Thu Nov 26 09:21:54 PST 2009

Ross Finlayson wrote:
>> 1) Is there a way to change the OPTIONS response?
> Yes, by modifying the code in "RTSPServer.cpp" :-)
> Until we fix the problem (at least at the server end), that's the only 
> way I can see to overcome this issue - unless VLC is fixed to not use 
> "GET_PARAMETER" as a client liveness indicator.  It doesn't really 
> need to do this, because RTCP already acts as a (much better) client 
> liveness indicator.  But perhaps the VLC developers did this in order 
> to support some other (broken) server implementation that didn't 
> recognize RTCP "RR" packets from the clients??
Yes, indeed.

The smart implementation on VLC part would be falling back on SR checks 
for liveness if the server does not respond to GET_PARAMETER.
I will try to file a bug, but I bet I'll have an hard time, because 
formally VLC developers are right (if the option is listed, VLC has the 
right to use it), even if it's a brain-dead schema.


Belloni Cristiano
Imavis Srl.
www.imavis.com <http://www.imavis.com>
belloni at imavis.com <mailto://belloni@imavis.com>

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