[Live-devel] Using openRTSP to receive and decode h264 stream

Estelle W. Paus ewpaus at pobox.com
Thu Aug 19 16:41:44 PDT 2010


Regarding your FAQ entry, "Can I stream H.264 video via RTP? None of the 
test programs illustrate this." I have a couple of questions.

I'm using your live555 library to receive RTSP.  I have been using 
mplayer as a guide as suggested on the openRTSP page.  I am  also using 
the libavcodec decoder, but it doesn't work.  I noticed in your FAQ you 
said that h264 could be used with your live555 library if you implement  
currentNALUnitEndsAccessUnit().   But I cannot find this function used 
anywhere in the mplayer source tree.  At what point in initialization of 
live555 would you create H264VideoStreamFramer class that implements 
it?  And to what do you give it?

I've been working on this problem for 2 months now and I just keep 
hitting walls. I know it's been done.  Do you have any insight that 
could help?

I seem to be receiving packets.  My problem starts with the decoder 
unable to decode any frames.
Thank you,

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