[Live-devel] LiveMedia in a Directshow Filter

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Dec 1 22:15:36 PST 2010

>>>  >while(true)
>>>>        fWatchVariable = 0;
>>>>        dummyTask(NULL); // 100ms
>>>>        env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&fWatchVariable);
>>>>        if (fWatchVariable = 1)
>This statement looks very strange: is it still assignment instead of 
>comparison in your code? What is it supposed to be?

Oh wow - I completely missed that.  You're right.

Also, later...

>>  >             if (!mP4LiveSms->mpeg4LiveSource != NULL)

The initial "!" should not be there.

Your code should be:

	while (1) {
		fWatchVariable = 0;
		dummyTask(NULL); // 100ms
		if (mP4LiveSms->mpeg4LiveSource != NULL) {

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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