[Live-devel] H264 Unicast SPS Packet

Eric Lammerts live-devel at lists.lammerts.org
Mon Mar 15 21:08:28 PDT 2010

On 03/15/10 07:00, Miguel Angel Arcos wrote:
> I'm working now with a client receiving images from an H264 unicast 
> server. I extract SPS and PPS packet using fmtp_spropparametersets and 
> parseSPropParameterSets. I can see correctly the video data received 
> when I decode. The problem is with the extraction of the resolution. I 
> don't have problems when the server is multicast, I have a parser to 
> do that task correctly. But with unicast if I try the same parser on 
> the SPS packet I can't obtain the values correctly.
Maybe you need to prepend 00 00 00 01 to the SPS packet before feeding 
it to your parser?


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