[Live-devel] New, improved "RTSPClient" interface now available

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sat May 29 17:46:45 PDT 2010

I have installed a new version (2010.05.29) of the "LIVE555 Streaming 
Media" code that adds the long-promised new 'asynchronous' (i.e., 
non-blocking) interface to the "RTSPClient" class.

Each operation that sends a RTSP command now takes a 'response 
handler' function as parameter.
   The operation will immediately (without blocking), but the 
'response handler' function will get called later, when a response 
arrives (or if an error occurs).  This will make it practical to 
open/receive multiple RTSP streams simultaneously, and/or perform 
other operations concurrently with RTSP client operations.

For backwards compatibility, the old 'synchronous' interface still 
remains, and is implemented using the new 'asynchronous' interface. 
(Therefore, existing RTSP client applications should not need to be 
modified - for now.)  Note, however, that the old 'synchronous' 
interface should not be used for new applications, and it will likely 
be removed in a few months.)  For now, the demo application 
"openRTSP" still uses the old interface, but will be rewritten over 
the next few weeks to use the new interface.

For details, see 

I have done a lot of testing with this new interface and 
implementation, but if you find any problems, please let us know.

Unfortunately I have modified the "TaskScheduler" definition yet 
again, because I felt it was getting too complicated.  There's now 
just one virtual function for setting/clearing socket handlers:
	virtual void setBackgroundHandling(int socketNum, int conditionSet,
			BackgroundHandlerProc* handlerProc, void* 
clientData) = 0;
where "conditionSet" is a combination of the SOCKET_READABLE, 
SOCKET_WRITABLE, and SOCKET_EXCEPTION flags.  If you have your own 
implementation of "TaskScheduler", then you will need to implement 
this virtual function - and not the old "turnOn*" and "turnOff*" 
functions.  (For backwards compatibility, however, the existing 
"turnOnBackgroundReadHandling()" and 
"turnOffBackgroundReadHandling()" functions are retained, but are now 
implemented using "setBackgroundHandling()".)

For details, see 

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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