[Live-devel] RTSP-over-HTTP and inconsistent SETUP requests.

Cristiano Belloni belloni at imavis.com
Tue Oct 19 05:15:39 PDT 2010

  Dear Ross,
I'm trying to use RTSP-over-HTTP support on server, and it works 
flawlessly. Unfortunately, software vendors (Milestone, this time) seem 
not to get it right, so I have two question, one more irrelevant, the 
other more serious.

1) Milestone doesn't send us  "Accept:" or "Content-Type:" string of 
"application/x-rtsp-tunnelled" in the HTTP GET. I deactivated the check 
in the RTSPServer.cpp code and everything works. Will you incorporate 
this in the future code?

2) Milestone sends us a base64 encoded POST that contains this SETUP:

SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=12154-12155

This makes RtspServer send its packets in UDP, while Milestone seems to 
want them tunneled in the TCP connection (openRTSP gets it right, 
sending a more reasonable Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1).

My question is: does not the GET imply that the stream data must be 
tunneled, regardless the (incorrect) Transport:RTP/AVT request from the 
Milestone? What could be the point on requesting UDP/RTP data over an 
RTSP/HTTP negotiation? Shouldn't be data tunneled by default on the HTTP 
socket, ignoring the Transport: line, in this case?
And, please, if not, what could be the best way to patch liveMedia to 
support RTP tunneling even if the Transport: line is incorrect?

(As there's no RFC on RTSP over HTTP, as far as I know, I use this 
document as a reference: 
http://developer.apple.com/quicktime/icefloe/dispatch028.html , but 
unfortunately it doesn't answer my question).

Best Regards,

Belloni Cristiano
Imavis Srl.
www.imavis.com <http://www.imavis.com>
belloni at imavis.com <mailto://belloni@imavis.com>
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