[Live-devel] Server runaway streams for shared session for RTP-over-TCP client

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Sep 8 18:47:49 PDT 2010

>Thanks for the fix.  And I will take your advise and use a different 
>email account when I post a new issue.  For the moment, I am running 
>into another senario of a runaway RTP-over-TCP session, and it is 
>preventing me from testing your last fix.  
>The problem is in the SocketDescriptor::tcpReadHandler1() 
>function between the lines 362-368 in RTPInterface.cpp.  What 
>happens is that the handler could not complete to frame the TEARDOWN 
>command before the client shuts the socket.  It results in a socket 
>read error, and there is no provision to teardown the client session.

Thanks for the report.  Unfortunately I can't reproduce this myself, 
so you're going to have to help track this down a little more.

It's strange that you're getting a socket read error before the 
server has read, parsed and processed the incoming "TEARDOWN" 
request.  What is supposed to be happening is that "RTSPServer:: 
handleRequestBytes(1)" gets called - one byte at a time - for each 
byte in the incoming "TEARDOWN" request.  When it sees the last byte 
of the request (the final LF in the CR-LF-CR-LF sequence), it should 
then be calling "handleCmd_withinSession("TEARDOWN", ...)", which 
should then in turn call "handleCmd_TEARDOWN()" to close the session. 
It is only the *next* (single-byte) socket read that should be 
getting a read error.

Could you look into why this is not working properly for you?

>  For whatever reason, this senario keeps happening to me nowadays 
>although I am using the same client program [VLC 0.9.6] as before, 
>and I cannot verify your last fix.

Does the problem still occur if you use a new version of VLC (1.1.3)? 
It shouldn't make a difference, but it's worth checking...

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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