[Live-devel] more RTSP/H264 questions Was:Using openRTSP to receive and decode h264

Estelle W. Paus ewpaus at pobox.com
Thu Sep 9 08:45:34 PDT 2010

First I would like to thank all of you that have given me advice.  I 
appreciate it very much.  It is so nice to get responses.  This is a 
very nice community of developers.  I hope that one day, I can be a 
helpful person too.

I have a follow up question regarding several of your responses.

I was told to understand the difference between source and sink.  I was 
told that a source is used for streaming (out), while a sink is for 
receiving.  I read the FAQ. 

I have been stepping through mplayer with gdb to try to find out where I 
insert the NAL startcode and how.

Now when I use tab-completion to create my break point in gdb, it will 
not allow me to add H264VideoRTPSink.  It will only allow me to add 

I am using VLC to stream an H264 video via RTP using an sdp file.  
Mplayer is receiving this video that is to say, the role of the mplayer 
in this scenerio is the "sink".  And mplayer seems to be working fine. 
The video is displayed like I expect.

Why am I not finding H264VideoRTPSink when I step through this running code?

I have tried stepping through openRTSP.  But, I can't find what I need.  
Perhaps, it is in playCommon.  But, I haven't figured out how to debug 
playCommon since it requires input from openRTSP.  If anyone has any 
help for that, I'd appreciate that too.

Thank you,

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