[Live-devel] H264 ipcamera problem

Francisco Esparza fesparza at itesm.mx
Wed Sep 22 08:43:01 PDT 2010


I'm using openRTSP to capture the video stream from a
h264 ip camera, I use 

openRTSP -t -v -n rtsp://ip_camera:8888 > video 

I send the video to a pipe and when I play the video with openCV I get
the following:

non-existing PPS referenced
non-existing PPS 0 referenced
decode_slice_header error
no frame!

max_analyze_duration reached
Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate

This error repeats a lot of times, and finnaly I can watch the video for
about 5 seconds and then it freezes. I read about this and I think is
because there is no header in the NAL units, I saw in h264VideoFileSink
file that there is a header 00000001

   unsigned char start_code[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
   addData(start_code, 4, presentationTime);

Any help will be really appreciated.


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