[Live-devel] RTSP H264 frame inversion

korpal korpal28 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 02:48:00 PST 2011

> Thanks for this fast answer. For me, it's correct that VLC cannot read the
>> file, the file I sent you contains only NAL paquets (See joined screenshot
>> with details), and so is not readable by VLC, correct me if I'm wrong.
> I don't know why your file is not readable by VLC.  You'll need to ask a
> VLC mailing list about that.

OK, I will check with VLC team why I cannot open my file.

>  About DTS/PTS, is it possible that the presentation time is wrong? In
>> regards of my code, I never give a presentation time from my device source
>> (encoder in fact). But in debug, I saw that a presentation time is computed
>> by the Live555 stream framer. Maybe did I forget to code something?
> Yes, your input device object should be setting the "fPresentationTime"
> field in its implementation of "doGetNextFrame()", when it delivers each NAL
> unit.

Concerning this point, I've a misunderstanding about how set this value.
I'll explain : my frames are coming in a decoding order, that means that for
an IDR period like "IBBP", I've "IPBB". So, if each time I proceed a
"doGetNextFrame()" I set the fPresentationTime to the value given by
gettimeofday(), I see clearly that my video is displayed in decoding order.
So, do I've to adapt my fPresentationTime to give a later timestamp for
PFrames that dependent BFrames?
In my mind, this will be do with a picture timing value given in SEI, but if
I check the Live555 code, I just see an "empty" analyze_sei_data() function
with the comment "Later, perhaps adjust "fPresentationTime" if we saw a
"pic_timing" SEI payload??? #####"

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