[Live-devel] Using event triggers

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sun Feb 13 17:11:34 PST 2011

>I don't have any file descriptors added to live555 event loop. This
>causes code is  BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep() to produce the
>following error:
>BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(): select() fails: Bad file descriptor

This shows that your code - perhaps indirectly - has called 
"TaskScheduler:: turnOnBackgroundReadHandling()" with an invalid 
socket number (perhaps, a socket number that has already been 
closed?).  Note that the error can also refer to network sockets; not 
just sockets from open files.  (In Unix, these are one and the same.)

Does your code contain any calls to "turnOnBackgroundReadHandler()"? 
Or to "ByteStreamFileSource::createNew()"?  Or to 

Or perhaps you're closing some open files (or "Groupsock" or 
"RTPSource" or "RTCPInstance" objects) when you shouldn't be?

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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