[Live-devel] iPhone CAN"T play the TS files generated by testH264VideoToTransportStream

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Mon Jan 31 17:28:46 PST 2011

>I use testH264VideoToTransportStream to generate some TS files. None 
>of them can be played in iPhone. The live streaming validator shows 
>the following error:
>ERROR: Invalid media segment: The validator helper exited due to a 
>fatal error: segment duration is not finite.
>Can anyone point me how to fix this problem?

That seems unlikely, considering that:
1/ You didn't provide (or post a link to) a single ".264" file that 
illustrates your problem.
2/ You didn't say what software (on the iPhone) you are using to try 
to play the resulting TS file.
3/ Perhaps you meant to say that you are trying to *stream* the TS 
file to the iPhone (rather than trying to play the file on the 
iPhone)?  If that's the case, you didn't say what software you are 
using as a server (to stream your file).
4/ You didn't say what "the live streaming validator" is.
5/ You didn't say what "the live streaming validator"s documentation 
(or online support forums or mailing lists) had to say about the 
meaning of the error message that you saw.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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