[Live-devel] About RTSPServer

Warren Young warren at etr-usa.com
Tue May 24 08:25:15 PDT 2011

On 5/24/2011 12:57 AM, RA-Vincent Kao wrote:
> but socket still exists (check netstat -a).

If you're seeing a TIME_WAIT state, that's normal and unavoidable:


If it's a FIN_WAITx or SYN_x state, one of the ends of the connection 
isn't closing down properly.  See the state-transition diagram linked 
from that article to debug it.

If the core problem is that the server can't restart for some time after 
being stopped due to the TIME_WAIT state, add a setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) 
after the socket() call.

Ross, it would be nice to see this in core.  I know the standards say 
there's a risk of misdelivered data if you don't wait the full 2*MSS for 
rogue packets, but it's a pretty common thing to do in a server.

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