[Live-devel] Inhibit UDP/RTP streaming

Cristiano Belloni belloni at imavis.com
Mon Nov 7 09:41:38 PST 2011

Hi Ross,
I got an RTSP server based on liveMedia, and a problem with some (third 
party, black-box) buggy clients that have problems with RTP on UDP 
streaming, while they work fine in RTP/TCP.

The problem is that they first request UDP streams to the server, then, 
if UDP is not available, they fall back on TCP.

What I wanted to know was if our server could always force the client to 
connect in TCP. As far as I know that would imply altering the m= line(s 
) in the SDP description, am I correct? Would it be possible to do that 
easily in LiveMedia?

Thank you,
Belloni Cristiano
Imavis Srl.
www.imavis.com <http://www.imavis.com>
belloni at imavis.com <mailto://belloni@imavis.com>
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