[Live-devel] Windows builds

Jeff Shanab jshanab at smartwire.com
Sat Nov 19 09:11:06 PST 2011

I know there has in the past been requests for windows builds but windows changes their and breaks their own build system so much, it is not worth it. However, I use the FireBreath plugin framework (http://www.firebreath.org/display/documentation/FireBreath+Home)  and I really like the way CMAKE works.

He has a prep script prepmac, prepmake, prepeclipse, prep2008,prep2010....and so on and CMAKE generates the entire build directory. One make fiel definition that is very similar to traditional make systems and any number of a large group of targets.

It has proven ideal for this crossplatform and even just cross Visual Studio versioning.

The prep scripts for the *nix side are trivial


if [ "${GEN}" = "" ]; then
    GEN='Unix Makefiles'

source ${0%/*}/common.sh "$@"

pushd "$BUILDDIR"
cmake -G "$GEN" -DFB_PROJECTS_DIR="${PROJDIR}" "$@" "${FB_ROOT}"

@echo off & setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

set _FB_GEN="Visual Studio 10"

call "%~d0%~p0\common.cmd" %*
if %errorlevel% == 2 exit /b 1
call "%~d0%~p0\winprep.cmd

Wouldn't such a system be great for live555?  (Taxillian on freenode->firebreath is the author )
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