[Live-devel] How do I compile a 32-bit version of Live555 Streaming Media on OS X?

Robert Wolff (XVD) rwolff at xvdth.com
Mon Oct 3 11:06:15 PDT 2011

We had similar needs a few months back. And you may have gotten enough of an answer,
but I didn't want to assume any particular experience with the config files. As was
mentioned before, -m32 is the key. Here are our diffs between config.macosx and
our config.macosx-32bit.

~/dev/neuron/Common/live555 $ diff config.macosx config.macosx-32bit 
< LINK_OPTS =		-L.
> LINK_OPTS =		-L. -m32

Adding -m32 to COMPILE_OPTS and also to LINK_OPTS

Tada. Working great for our experiments.

Bob Wolff

The default compile of Live555 Streaming Media on OSX is x86_64.

How can I configure the build system to create 32-bit versions of the static

I am using the instructions at live555.com/liveMedia/#config-unix

I first call ./genMakefiles macosx

Then call make

When using lipo -info, the library shows it is x86_64.

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