[Live-devel] RTSPServer port reuse

Chris Richardson (WTI) chris at gotowti.com
Fri Oct 28 10:36:30 PDT 2011

Hi Ross,


I am using Live555 to run an RTSP server on an embedded system, and I would
like to restart the server programmatically.  However, the current
RTSPServer implementation does not allow the same port to be re-used if the
socket is in a TIME_WAIT state.


I had a look around and saw a previous thread regarding this issue
(http://lists.live555.com/pipermail/live-devel/2011-July/013664.html).  For
debugging it is not too difficult to reboot my system or wait for the
TIME_WAIT state to end, but for restarting programmatically it would be nice
if there were an option to tell the RTSPServer class that I want it to reuse
the same port even if there is a socket on that port in the TIME_WAIT state.


I can obviously change the code, and have done so, but thought I would throw
my vote in for allowing this behavior by design.  If you would like a patch
for the changes I made (basically adding a default parameter 'Boolean
allowPortReuse = false' to the relevant RTSPServer functions), I would be
happy to send one.




Chris Richardson

Wireless Technology, Inc.


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