[Live-devel] testRTSPClient heap corruption

Gord Umphrey gordu at dvr2010.com
Tue Apr 17 05:42:03 PDT 2012


If you attempt to receive a stream from an invalid source, (i.e. rtsp://non-existing_IP:554/main)
then the testRTSPClient application will crash.

It seems that calling Medium::close() is the culprit. Medium::close() works fine when connected to a valid stream, but will cause heap corruption when not streaming.

Steps to reproduce:

Two modifications are required in testRTSPClient.cpp to show the problem:

1.) In main(), follow the comments at the end of the procedure, I.e. comment out the “return 0”, and uncomment the last two lines
2.) At the end of the shutdown() procedure, comment out the exit(), and replace with “eventLoopWatchVariable = 1;”

Then just stream to a non-existing source.

The reason this is not showing up more frequently is because the exit() routine by-passes the run-time memory checks and just exits.

A quick work-around would be greatly appreciated!!


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