[Live-devel] The question on how to handle the incoming H.264 RTP data of live555 server

Lan Zang zanglan at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 28 01:09:26 PDT 2012

Hi, all

I am new to this live555 media server. I am trying to make a server running on ubuntu that can perform the following task:
It gets h.264 video data over RTP from others (e.g. ffmpeg), then it will broadcast the video to other viewers( e.g. vlc player) via rtsp protocol.

After reading the codes of live555MediaServer.cpp and testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp and some other files plus a little guessing, I think I shall prepare a class that will treat h.264 RTP data derived from OnDemandServerMediaSubsession. I call it H264VideoUDPServerMediaSubsession.

 In this class, function createNewStreamSource() will create an instance of class H264VideoStreamFramer, with H264VideoRTPSource created to read from RTP.
createNewRTPSink() will create H264VideoRTPSink to send data out.

Then in the main function, I will create a RTSPServer, and add the mediaSession(With 1 subsession of previously created class, H264VideoUDPServerMediaSubsession);

After all, the server seems running. But if I send h.264 data to the server, the server will keep complaining:
MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1(): The total received frame size exceeds the client's buffer size (1080).  380 bytes of trailing data will be dropped!

I know I must be wrong, but can you shed some light on this?

Regards, & Thanks
Lan Zang(Sander)

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