[Live-devel] Ability to specify port number

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sun Dec 9 17:53:36 PST 2012

> I often need to run multiple proxy servers on different ports

Why?  You realize, I hope, that the existing "LIVE555 Proxy Server" application can handle multiple back-end servers (by specifying multiple back-end "rtsp://" URLs on the command line).  You can do this with a single server; you don't need to run more than one.

> , this allows to pass a port number as an argument to live555ProxyServer and I think would make a great addition if it were included in the upstream version

No, I probably won't be including this released code, because ideally people should be using one of the IANA-defined port numbers for RTSP: 554 and 8554.  Of course, you are welcome to make any changes to this application code - or develop your own application code - if you wish.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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