[Live-devel] Question live555MediaServer

Warren Young warren at etr-usa.com
Fri Dec 28 16:48:11 PST 2012

On 12/28/2012 14:04, feriel ben ghorbel wrote:
> Actually and as you said  Warren  I used Embedding VLC plugin in a
> HTML Page(browser: Mozilla Firefox) using  Apache2 and  all is
> included with Ubuntu(11.10)
>   my problem is  when I reach the Html Page ; the stream ".ts" is not
> working and usually Mozilla Firefox crash when I run the HTML Page

VLC went through a period of a few years where the browser plugins 
didn't get a lot of attention.  Things seem to be getting better in 
recent releases, but since you're using an older version of Ubuntu, 
perhaps upgrading will help.

If upgrading doesn't help, it may be that the Linux plugins remain 
brittle, while the Windows and Mac plugins have been fixed.  That sort 
of situation is common with VLC...the more popular platforms often get 
fixes that don't get reflected into the versions for less popular 
platforms.  This is because so much of the internal codebase is 
fragmented into platform-specific parts, each maintained by different 
groups of developers.

Anyway, VLC problems aren't on topic here, so if you continue to have 
problems with it, you should ask on the VLC mailing lists.

As a broader test to discern whether your problem is with VLC or 
Live555, if the browser plugin works on Windows but not Linux, you can 
be pretty sure it's a problem with VLC.  And in this particular case, I 
think you'll find that the problem is with VLC.

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