[Live-devel] Live input to RTSP Server

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Feb 28 21:31:13 PST 2012

> I am trying to get live RTP data as input to the RTSP Server.
> Modified H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource to  create a RTPSource instead of ByteStreamFileSource. 

As explained in the FAQ:
you should not be modifying the exiting code 'in place'.  Instead, you should be defining and implementing your own class (a subclass of "OnDemandServerMediaSubsession") - using the exiting code as a model, where appropriate.

>   Groupsock inputGroupsock(envir(), inputAddress, inputPort, inputTTL);

I suspect that this is the problem: You are declaring "inputGroupsock" on the stack, which means that it will automatically get destroyed when the function exits.  You don't want this.  Instead, do:
	Groupsock* inputGroupsock = new Groupsock(envir(), inputAddress, inputPort, inputTTL);
and then
	H264VideoRTPSource *rtpSource = H264VideoRTPSource::createNew(envir(), inputGroupsock,96,90000);

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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