[Live-devel] Accessing RR stats

liquidl at email.com liquidl at email.com
Thu Jan 12 16:42:46 PST 2012

I am using a class derived from OnDemandServerMediaSubsession.  I know that a class derived from OnDemandServerMediaSubsession automatically instantiates RTCPInstance for each stream and I can very well see the VLC client and my RTSP server talking RTCP protocol.

Now my issue is that I'd like to examine the statistics generated by the RTCP RR packets that are coming in from VLC client.  I'm unsure how I'd access this data.
Would I access the RTPTransmissionStatsDB in function RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession:noteLiveness() in RTSPServer.cpp? This is because this function is triggered on each RR packet reception.  If true, then how do I access RTPTransmissionStatsDB from this function?
Alternatively, is there another (cleaner) way to do this without modifying core library code i.e. RTSPServer.cpp?  I am getting confused because since RTCP is instantiated automatically for me, I'm not sure how to register my own RR handler function and access the RTPTransmissionStatsDB.

I have searched the list and spent some time racking my brains.  Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


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