[Live-devel] How to know if connection established?

Abhishek Madaan abmadaan at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 20:34:32 PDT 2012

Hi Ross,
               I able to make MFC GUI application and able to solve all the issues. The only issue i have (due to lack of my knowledge of your library) that how I find out if the connection is established correctly or not. What I mean that if the customer add wrong IP Address, how do we find out the connection successfully created or not. I tried with testRTSP program, where doEventLoop loop runs once and program exits. But my program is a multithreaded application, where I am receiving video on one thread and customer can add IP Address in GUI thread. So, I want to give notification if the connection is not created successfully so that customers can correct the IP Address. Also, is there event fires when we lost connection after the connection is already established?

Thanks for your help

Abhishek Madaan
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