[Live-devel] Matroska parsing issues

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Jun 7 08:22:27 PDT 2012

> I've been playing a bit with live555MediaServer, and it appears to me that it's not able to properly parse tracks of some Matroska files, for example this one:
> http://vvv.mokrakocicka.cz/gang/20120601-live555-example.mkv

vvv.mokrakocicka.cz : No such host.

> I've tried to look into the issue and it looks like the parser does not support 8-byte floats, which are allowed in Matroska spec. The video above (made by FFmpeg) has an 8-byte Duration element, which throws off the parser so it does not find track records that follow.
> My attempt to fix this issue can be seen at https://github.com/che0/live555/commit/6e817737b3267288985d2bec37fb7a9f0e5ffb98 -- I would appreciate if you could incorporate this to live555 in some way or other.

Yes, thanks.  This will be included in the next release of the software.

> Additionally, I've encountered media server crash after playing back Matroska file, which I traced to track list cleanup. Again, patch which worked for me can be found at GitHub at https://github.com/che0/live555/commit/fea6dad7c705e8a83ab93745d47d3b1262f97ed0

Yes, that is a bug.  Your fix will also be included in the next release of the software.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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