[Live-devel] Proper bool type for MSVC

Nikolai Vorontsov nikolai.vorontsov at quadrox.be
Thu May 24 07:33:24 PDT 2012

Hello Ross,
I'm using your library with MS Visual Studio 2008 and I've found the
following issue:
The Boolean type in your library is defined as unsigned char. However,
VS2008 fully supports proper bool/true/false type.  Could you please
consider the following changes in code (library from 2012-05-17)
1. Enable bool support for MSVC: in the
UsageEnvironment\include\Boolean.hh file replace:

#ifdef   __BORLANDC__
#define Boolean bool


#if defined(__BORLANDC__)  ||  (defined(_MSC_VER) &&  _MSC_VER >= 1400)
// MSVC++ 8.0, Visual Studio 2005 and higher
#define Boolean bool
That enables bool for Boolean in the library. 
After that I've found some places where the Boolean variables are
improperly used. Here is the list of places and proposed fixes:
File MPEG4LATMAudioRTPSource.cpp
in line 175 replace
audioMuxVersion = 0;
allStreamsSameTimeFraming = 1;

audioMuxVersion = false;
allStreamsSameTimeFraming = true;

in line 187-190 change
audioMuxVersion = (nextByte&0x80)>>7;
if (audioMuxVersion != 0) break;
allStreamsSameTimeFraming = (nextByte&0x40)>>6;
audioMuxVersion = (nextByte&0x80) != 0;
if (audioMuxVersion) break;
allStreamsSameTimeFraming = (nextByte&0x40)>>6 != 0; 
File MP3InternalsHuffman.cpp
in line 552 replace
scaleFactorsLength = getScaleFactorsLength(gr, isMPEG2);
scaleFactorsLength = getScaleFactorsLength(gr, isMPEG2 != 0);
Actually it's more accurate to change the isMPEG2 type to Boolean, but
I'm note sure what else this change might need.
File MP3Internals.cpp
in line 176 replace
hasCRC = ((hdr>>16)&0x1)^0x1;
hasCRC = ((hdr>>16)&0x1) == 0;
I hope compiler could optimize it to (hdr & 0x10000) == 0
in line 227 replace
framesize /= samplingFreq<<isMPEG2;
framesize /= samplingFreq<< (isMPEG2 ? 1 : 0);
File MediaSession.cpp
in lines 1114-116 and 1121-1123 replace
fReadSource =
  AMRAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPSource,
                   fRTPPayloadFormat, 0 /*isWideband*/,
                   fNumChannels, fOctetalign, fInterleaving,
                   fRobustsorting, fCRC);
// Note that fReadSource will differ from fRTPSource in this case
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR-WB") == 0) { // AMR audio
fReadSource =
  AMRAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPSource,
                   fRTPPayloadFormat, 1 /*isWideband*/,
                   fNumChannels, fOctetalign, fInterleaving,
                   fRobustsorting, fCRC);
fReadSource =
  AMRAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPSource,
                   fRTPPayloadFormat, false /*isWideband*/,
                   fNumChannels, fOctetalign != 0, fInterleaving,
                   fRobustsorting != 0, fCRC != 0);
// Note that fReadSource will differ from fRTPSource in this case
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR-WB") == 0) { // AMR audio
fReadSource =
  AMRAudioRTPSource::createNew(env(), fRTPSocket, fRTPSource,
                   fRTPPayloadFormat, true /*isWideband*/,
                   fNumChannels, fOctetalign != 0, fInterleaving,
                   fRobustsorting != 0, fCRC != 0);
I hope I didn't make a mistake here with the fOctetalign, fRobustsorting
and fCRC passing.
File H264VideoStreamFramer.cpp
here is 4 places where the BitVector::get1bit() result is assigned to
the Boolean variable. The easiest solution is to assign the get1bit() !=
0 to Boolean, but more nicer is to make inline get1BitAsBoolean() member
and use it.
in lines 347, 411, 540, 544 replace
separate_colour_plane_flag = bv.get1Bit();
frame_mbs_only_flag = bv.get1Bit();
field_pic_flag = bv.get1Bit();
bottom_field_flag = bv.get1Bit();
separate_colour_plane_flag = bv.get1Bit() != 0;
frame_mbs_only_flag = bv.get1Bit() != 0;
field_pic_flag = bv.get1Bit() != 0;
bottom_field_flag = bv.get1Bit() != 0;
Thanks in advance,
Nikolai Vorontsov
Quadrox nv

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