[Live-devel] rtsp server for live audio

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sun Oct 28 10:50:19 PDT 2012

> i find WindowsAudioInputDevice maybe a way to stream live audio.but i could not find any documents or examples about how to use

From <http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/>:
"This is an implementation of the "liveMedia" library's "AudioInputDevice" abstract class. This can be used by a Windows application to read PCM audio samples from an input device.

(This project builds two libraries: "libWindowsAudioInputDevice_mixer.lib", which uses Windows' built-in mixer, and "libWindowsAudioInputDevice_noMixer.lib", which doesn't.)"

You build this from the Makefile ("WindowsAudioInputDevice.mak"), the same way that you build the other projects for Windows.  You then choose which of the two libraries you want, and link with it.  Then, from your application, call "AudioInputDevice::createNew()", specifying the number of the desired audio input device.  (Note that the project also builds two console applications: "showAudioInputPorts_noMixer.exe" and "showAudioInputPorts_mixer.exe"; you can run these to list the audio input devices on your Windows system.)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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