[Live-devel] Rendering a frame from H264

Neil Pepper neilpep at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 00:30:05 PDT 2012


Have been trying to use your excellent library to connect up to a camera
that is streaming RTSP/H264 unicast from a source i have no control over. I
seem to heading in right direction but  I am struggling with the last bit,
getting the frame from the library so i can display it to the screen.

I have cloned testRTSPClient.cpp (using a non modified version assuringly i
get packets from the video stream appearing in debug), below is modified
version of continueAfterSETUP (have put in bold bits i have added), am i
going in correct direction ? This also produces reassuring debug (added to
bottom of email), am little worried about *The total received frame size
exceed... *lines but whatever I change* *OutPacketBuffer::maxSize it seems
to make no difference?

To actually get the decoded frames I assumed I had to subclass *
H264VideoStreamFramer *but cant see a way to actually get the frame, maybe
implement new version of doGetNextFrame  in class, but then processing
stops as i cant call the base class version of continueReadProcessing as
its private ? Any assistance would be appreciated .

Perhaps if some sample code of retrieving a frame and rendering to the
screen in any platform would help but i couldnt see any ?

thanks in advance


void continueAfterSETUP(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char*
resultString) {

  do {

    UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias

    StreamClientState& scs = ((ourRTSPClient*)rtspClient)->scs; // alias

    if (resultCode != 0) {

      env << *rtspClient << "Failed to set up the \"" <<
*scs.subsession << "\" subsession: " << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";



    env << *rtspClient << "Set up the \"" << *scs.subsession

<< "\" subsession (client ports " << scs.subsession->clientPortNum()
<< "-" << scs.subsession->clientPortNum()+1 << ")\n";

     * struct in_addr destinationAddress;*

*      destinationAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr("");*

*      *

*      const unsigned short rtpPortNum = 1234;*

*      const unsigned char ttl = 255;*

*      *

*      const Port rtpPort(rtpPortNum);*

*      *

*      Groupsock rtpGroupsock(env, destinationAddress, rtpPort, ttl);*


*      // Create a 'H264 Video RTP' sink from the RTP 'groupsock':*

*      OutPacketBuffer::maxSize = 100000;*

*      scs.subsession->sink = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(env,
&rtpGroupsock, 96);*

*      videoSource = H264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(env,

      // perhaps use your own custom "MediaSink" subclass instead

    if (scs.subsession->sink == NULL) {

      env << *rtspClient << "Failed to create a data sink for the \"" <<

  << "\" subsession: " << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";



    env << *rtspClient << "Created a data sink for the \"" <<
*scs.subsession << "\" subsession\n";

    scs.subsession->miscPtr = rtspClient; // a hack to let subsession
handle functions get the "RTSPClient" from the subsession


    // Also set a handler to be called if a RTCP "BYE" arrives for this

    if (scs.subsession->rtcpInstance() != NULL) {



  } while (0);

  // Set up the next subsession, if any:



*Opening connection to, port 554...*

*...remote connection opened*

*Sending request: DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0*


*CSeq: 2*


*User-Agent: drift (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2012.08.30)*


*Accept: application/sdp*





*Received 677 new bytes of response data.*

*Received a complete DESCRIBE response:*

*RTSP/1.0 200 OK*


*CSeq: 2*


*Date: Thu, Jan 01 1970 01:15:38 GMT*


*Content-Base: rtsp://*


*Content-Type: application/sdp*


*Content-Length: 509*






*o=- 54670000 1 IN IP4*


*s=Ambarella streaming*


*i=Ambarella streaming*


*t=0 0*


*a=tool:Ambarella streaming 2012.03.12*








*a=x-qt-text-nam:Ambarella streaming*


*a=x-qt-text-inf:Ambarella streaming*


*m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96*


*c=IN IP4*




*a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000*







*[URL:"rtsp://"]: Got a SDP description:*



*o=- 54670000 1 IN IP4*


*s=Ambarella streaming*


*i=Ambarella streaming*


*t=0 0*


*a=tool:Ambarella streaming 2012.03.12*








*a=x-qt-text-nam:Ambarella streaming*


*a=x-qt-text-inf:Ambarella streaming*


*m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96*


*c=IN IP4*




*a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000*









*[URL:"rtsp://"]: Initiated the "video/H264"
subsession (client ports 59352-59353)*

*Sending request: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0*


*CSeq: 3*


*User-Agent: drift (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2012.08.30)*


*Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=59352-59353*





*Received 203 new bytes of response data.*

*Received a complete SETUP response:*

*RTSP/1.0 200 OK*


*CSeq: 3*


*Date: Thu, Jan 01 1970 01:15:38 GMT*




*Session: 5FAC6D41*





*[URL:"rtsp://"]: Set up the "video/H264"
subsession (client ports 59352-59353)*

*[URL:"rtsp://"]: Created a data sink for the
"video/H264" subsession*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*Sending request: PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0*


*CSeq: 4*


*User-Agent: drift (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2012.08.30)*


*Session: 5FAC6D41*


*Range: npt=0.000-*





*Received 189 new bytes of response data.*

*Received a complete PLAY response:*

*RTSP/1.0 200 OK*


*CSeq: 4*


*Date: Thu, Jan 01 1970 01:15:38 GMT*


*Range: npt=0.000-*


*Session: 5FAC6D41*


*RTP-Info: url=rtsp://;seq=46686;rtptime=2944705573*





*[URL:"rtsp://"]: Started playing session...*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*


*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1(): The total received frame size
exceeds the client's buffer size (11).  110 bytes of trailing data will be

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*

*H264VideoStreamParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not*
an error)*
-------------- next part --------------
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