[Live-devel] Stuck in singlestep

Jeff Shanab jshanab at smartwire.com
Tue Sep 11 05:17:33 PDT 2012

I have a problem with pulling RTSP streams that needs to be reliable. If the stream stops I have a watchdog that times out after 5 seconds and changes my watch variable so the event loop in basic task scheduler will exit.

The problem is in one edge case, I have debugged found that the flag is never read because I am stuck in singlestep().  So it looks like Select found data but the subsequent readfrom never returns.

This is on our favorite toy OS, Windows.

Is there a way I can configure the socket for a timeout so it will return when there is no data.

My live 555 is a few months old. (I will check the version and any bug repair list when I am back in the network)
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