[Live-devel] Trick-play - Reverse

Erlandsson, Claes P (CERLANDS) CERLANDS at arinc.com
Fri Apr 19 22:13:53 PDT 2013

Whenever I supply a negative scale value to the Play-function it always
plays forward. The speed is correct, but I've never been able to play in


Don't forget to also specify a non-zero 'start time', so that the server
knows where to start reverse-play from.



Thanks, I do that. I should probably also have mentioned that the streams
are all indexed by absolute time.


absoluteStartPosition below can e.g. be "20130420T040645.774Z". -10 in the
example gives the exact same result as if I use 10.

rtspClient->sendPlayCommand(*scs.session, continueAfterPLAY,
scs.absoluteStartPosition, "", -10.0);



The main reason I didn't blame Cisco's VSM server right away is because
reverse play works in Cisco's player that comes with the server (which
however doesn't use RTSP).




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