[Live-devel] Concurrent streaming in Live555 Media Server

Szoke Szoke at beecomputing.com
Mon Apr 22 00:05:13 PDT 2013

Hi everyone,

Sorry for such a long message, but a short presentation may interest 
some of you.

I'm following this list for years, as I am involved in a project using 
IP cameras to film wildlife (bird nesting, can be seen on 
We are using very-low consumption linutop computers for 3 years. Until 
now we were using the linutop OS, and VLC to record videos.
Major problems remained : videos were hatched at high resolution and no 
way to get the audio track.

Shifting to Lubuntu allowed using the latest libavcodec-extra package, 
which fixed the sound issue.
Testing openRTSP to get the video and audio streams showed that the 
input buffer of 100 kB was too small.
After downloading the live555 source code, rebuilding openRTSP with 
bigger buffers, everything worked fine. (easy to say, not that easy to 
do for a senior Windows developer like me discovering linux development...)

Under Lubuntu and MacOS, the only remaining problem is a lack of 
synchronization between image and sound : for 60 s of recording, the 
videostops after about 55 s and the audio after 60 s.
The command line : openRTSP -d 60 -i -w 1280 -h 960 -f 25 
"rtsp://" > "/media/szoke/CORSAIR/srce_1280-960-25.avi"
Without the -f option, synchronization is worse.
Note that the camera is not sending exactly 25 fps, but usually a little 
less, depending in the light intensity.

First question : how can I fix the synchronization problem ?

Second issue :
This morning I tested the result files under Windows 7.
- AviFxP tells me that the files are correct.
- VLC 2.0.6 cannot display the video, but the audio is OK
- Avidemux 2.6.3 displays nothing
- WindowsMediaPlayer displays the video nearly properly (every 2 secs 
there is light flashing, dues to GOP at 50 frames I guess), but the 
sound is terrible.

So I cannot use the openRTSP result files under Windows.
Such a file can be downloaded here : (1 minute, 18 MB)

If someone has a good tool to check the file content and tell me what's 
wrong ?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help,


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